Co-Pro Week 2024

Unheard Voices, Untapped Potential
1st July - 5th July
Co-production is about working in equal partnership with people who use services, their carers, families, and our communities. Co-production offers the chance to transform healthcare provision into a model that offers people real choice and control.
National Co-Production Week (#CoProWeek) celebrates the benefits of co-production and the sharing of good practices. It promotes the contribution of people who access healthcare in developing better service provision.
In the Academy, we try to ensure that all of our work is co-produced, which is a fundamental component of our training and facilitation. Over the past year, our Side by Side network have developed and run a dedicated Co-Production for Improvement course which supports teams working in partnership on projects in services. This is being further developed over 2024 and we are particularly focusing on the need to go beyond familiar voices and increase equity and diversity in co-production.

Our Patients, their Thoughts

The value of co-production is in bringing people together to shape services, and making sure that everyone has a chance to part of making a difference
Co-production and Improvement Programme Attendee

Co-production is a real opportunity to design and deliver healthcare and services that people want and need, not what we think they want and need
Co-production and Improvement Programme Attendee

Click the video link below to hear from Ann and Vicky, two Dental Nurses who recently embarked on their first
Co-Production journey!