Clinical Effectiveness

Auditing and Evaluation
We support clinicians and colleagues in designing and delivering projects that measure and evaluate services in line with the Trust’s annual Audit and Improvement plan. We also provide support with data analysis, action planning, reporting and dissemination.
The Methods that We Use:
Clinical audit is a way of checking if services meet local and/or national standards by looking at data. If results are below standard, then improvement actions must be planned and implemented. Then a repeat audit will show if the improvement has made a difference.
Service evaluations use data and description to understand what is happening in a service. Types of Service Evaluation may include looking at a new service or comparing services. Also, they may ask patients about their experience now and ideas for the future.
Within our team, we monitor and disseminate updates to guidelines and standards produced by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence. Where relevant, services are asked to conduct baseline assessments, audits and evaluations to measure and plan for compliance with these documents.
‘Introduction to audit and evaluation’ training is available for teams on request and as part of the Academy of Research and Improvement training programme. A more interactive workshop on audit and evaluation is available where teams and individuals can develop their plans and ideas together. An online guide to conducting clinical audit or an evaluation is also available.
Supporting staff
Each year, an audit plan is produced and updated for each service line. These are available on our intranet pages. Throughout the year, support is available to identify topics for audits and evaluations and the most suitable methods to use. If you would like to undertake a project, please:
See if there is an audit on your local plan that you would like to support
Contact the Academy Audit and Evaluation team
Register your project using the form available on our Solnet webpage
Supporting patients and the public
We welcome ideas from those that use our services for improvement, evaluation or audit and can support anyone that would like to either be part of a project or even run one themselves. If you would like to know more or have an idea, contact the team.